
[Blog] Free Technology for Teachers

I'm going to recommend a very nice blog entitled Free Technology for Teacher, written by Richard Byrne.

With the increasing popularity of using ICT tools in ELT, my teachers, like you and I, are eager to seek some useful tools through the net. Richard Byrne's blog is quite informative, and very easy to navigate. For those who visit this blog, there is even a Guide page to help users. This blog is pretty well-organised. Readers can check the archive to take a look at the new and older posts with ease. After reading a post, a reader can refer to other provided articles.

Moreover, regarding the content, the posts are not only informative but also concise. What Richard Byrne introduces is fairly practical; that is to say, teachers can carry out what they learn nearly immediately. What's more important, his words are short and effective, along with pictures and video clips. In my opinion, it is very crucial because teachers, at least in my context, seldom have much time to prepare other materials in addition to the coursebook. All a teacher needs is having an "efficient" look at what is available and applicable in his/her teaching. Therefore, it is important and convenient that the blog offers an access to the use of technology tools.

Last but not least, the item bar contains labeled categories, leading to other websites, and thus teachers can easily find their targets apart from this blog. Users of different types of operating systems, like Android and iOS, can have their own choices depending on their demands.

In sum, this blog is helpful, versatile, and worth visiting. Hope you like it as well. : )

8 則留言:

  1. Interesting blog!Thank you for sharing!

    1. Yay! It's really useful to me. Hope you find it in the same way.

  2. Wow! Thank you for introducing so many interesting and useful websites to us :)

    1. Not a problem! I'll try and introduce more on this blog. Please follow me hahahaha

  3. Hi James,

    Waaw, when I opened the link, I was immediately captivated by the ClassDojo post! Super cute videooo! Yeah, Richard's blog is definitely a good source of inspiration.

    1. Haya Priska,

      I love that video as well! The main reason is that math is really devastating, and I cannot agree with it more! Hahahahaha


  4. Hey James,

    Interesting review, great colour scheme and your voki is brilliant. I reckon I'm going to follow suit and create one too.

    Cheers - G

  5. Hi James,

    I enjoyed reading your post- your review is very constructive as you bring in your own viewpoints in teaching and the benefits of ICT. Although I haven't had formal teaching experiences before, I do agree wholeheartedly with how teachers do not have enough time to create and prepare all of the materials for lessons. Now that many schools and institutes provide computers, internet and a projector, it would be really convenient and helpful for teachers to utilise online tools in their teaching!
